Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Name : Kim Jin Ah
Position : Lead Dancer, Sub-Rapper
Agency : (formerly) SM Entertaiment, YG Entertaiment
Birthdate :  14 September, 1993
Family :
-Father : Kim Jeon Hyung
-Mother : Jung Mi Yoon
-Sister : Kim Min Ah
-Brother : Kim Young Ah
Education : Lycee General Louis Le Grand Secondary Elementary School,  Lycee Eugene Henaff Middle School, LA Freighst Secondary High School,  Hanyang University majoring in Mechanical Engineering
Blood type : AB
Height : 168 cm
Hobbies : Writing songs, Studying, Dancing
Skills :  Choreographing, Modern Dance, Stretching, Guitar, Drum
Personality :  Looks like a quiet person but when she talks she is really fun, and unique
How she became a member : trough SM Entertaiment audition video
What she likes : Music, Fashion, Glasses, Guitar, Books, Ulzzang’s Eyes
What she dislikes : injuries, kissing/kissed
Ideal type : Just being themselves, accept her whoever she is, fun, act like her friends
Role model : SE7EN, BoA, Bekah After School
Jinx : if her test result don’t come as well, her whole day gonna be so gloomy
Habit : If she don’t know how to complete words in Korean she gonna continue it in English
Favorite music : R&B, R&B Accoustic, Dance, Pop
Place often visited : Dance room, Company,  Studio, School
Usual style : Vintage, Korean Hip Hop

Rabu, 13 April 2011


dannnnn.... akhirnya hari ini adalah hari terakhir UAS <333333
akhirnya tangan saya gak pegel+item2+ijo2 garagara ngisi nama yang sepanjang jalan jakarta ke surabaya XP ngisi nomor peserta yang naik turun naik turun, ngisi tanggal lahir, ngisi paket ujian, tanda tangan, mata pelajaran, jawaban ljk, jawaban manual,dkk... abis ujian langsung disambut dengan reuni anak ruangan 1 sama ruangan 2 XP pada tos-tos an gaje+cerita-cerita pengalaman lucu, pengalaman saya selama 4 hari ini mengajarkan kalo lagi ujian gak boleh mengandalkan kepintaran sendiri XP dan hasilnya saya lebih rajin berdoa... dan juga satu lagi....... SARAPAN PAGI!

hngg tapi its not the end of ujian, masih ada UN yang bikin pegel tangan dan jatuh pada 10-12 Mei, YA, 12 MEI, emang hadiah terbesar di hidup saya TT.TT ~~ depdiknas emang dontknowmesowell *jadi inget BGGG nya Miss A sama Cenat Cenut nya SMSH-,-* hngg tp yasudalahhh dl... so doakan saya ya supaya bisa lulus dengan nilai memuaskan~~~


Chaiyya Chaiyya

pasti udah pada tau kan polisi gorontalo yang joget 'Chaiyya Chaiyya'? sopo namanya atuh? bosen si dengernya abis ampe tiap hari sono nangkring di tipi-,- hee sumpah pas pertama liat video nya ngakak ga ketulungan, kreatif+ga alay tu polisi satu-,- emang lebih bakat jadi artis yee Xp  di  sklh saya aja  ampe bikin parodinya, ada versi 1 ama versi 2, kalo versi 1 di balik tirai2, kalo versi 2 di dpn kelas, sampe  bikin koreografinya pula-,- emang nge-sok boyband-girlband korea ye (?))) terus ada medley lagu SM*SH - I heart you,Justin barbie -  Baby ama Chaiyya Chaiyya-,- tp sayang gak direkam sihhhh TT.TT 

Dream high

akhir2 ini saya lagi senang sama Drama korea 'Dream High' 

pada dasarnya sih cuma iseng2 beli kasetnya gara-gara lagi trending benjet di kalangan k-pop lover, soalnya di film ini banyak k-pop idols.. kyk Eunjung T-ara, Suzy Miss A, Wooyoung ama Taecyon 2PM, IU, JYP, JOO, sampe cameo nya pun ada bbrp dari kalangan k-pop idols kyk Nickhun ama Chansung 2PM, Eunhyuk ama Leeteuk Super Junior, Dal Shabet, dll.... dan tadadada, saya mulai tertarik sama OST nya yang 'A Goose Dream' saya juga suka banget sama karakter nya Eunjung disini, dia emang mendalami banget setiap karakter yang dimainin ama dia XP 

drama ini bercerita tentang 6 siswa kirin art high school yaitu Song Sam Dong (Kim Soohyun), Go Hye Mi (Suzy Bae), Jin Gook (Ok Taec Yeon), Yoon Baek Hee (Ham Eun Jung), Jason (Jang Woo Young), Kim Pil Sook (IU) yang mau meraih cita-cita mereka menjadi artis, kalau menjadi artis pasti banyak tantangan dan pengorbanan kan? ya sama seperti mereka~~~~ 

pokoknya drama ini harus masuk deh di list must watch~!!!!!

Group Pantene

Heee skrg saya mau cerita2 ttg school life dulu ya.. group ini terbentuk entah kapan gak jelas asal-usul nya (unorganized..or something, blah im talking nonsense-,-) pertama2 anggotanya terdiri dari ::::

Yak ini saya sendiri, nama saya Samantha tirenna Nicole,orang paling cantik  aneh di group ini..eh semua orang di group ini aneh sih :p kurang pintar, ceroboh, suka menolong, baik hati, tidak sombong,suka menabung dan blablabla, slogan saya “Keep your head down cuz’ we are mighty pantene’’ wkkkkk emang sih copy paste lagunya sistar yang ‘’how dare you’’ :p soooo mianhamnida 보라 eonni, 효린 eonni,다솜 eonni, 소유 sunbaenim(?)~~ok stop bicara ttg k-pop,saya tau anda sekalian tida suka k-pop ;_;
Teman sebangku (depan) saya :p , partner saya dalam hal ketidakeefektifan AJA. Teman bergosip(?) teman curhat juga  wkwk :PPPPP  teman aneh2 an, anaknya baik,suka menolong (apalagi ngasih tau rumus matimatian matematika) tidak sombong, suka memberi, PINTAR, pokoknya T.OP.B.A.N.G.E.T dehhh :D  slogan nya ‘’do the best’’ dan memang diterapkan di kehidupannya

Teman sebangku saya waktu kls 4, dan selalu kebagian kursi dekat dia (T.O.P)  orangnya sedikit girly (?) baik, tapi gila, dan tentu saja PINTAR, teman baiknya matthew toooohhh?????asdfghjkl :D
Baru pas entah kapan, kita nambahin Sophie ‘’Yang Mulia’’ ke group pantene :P kadang pun Matthew , Henock, Cici dihitung … tp kita tetep main ama teman lain kok.. kita menerapkan hubungan bebas aktif seperti indonesia :p *sok pintar*. Kita juga pernah ngebuat video iklan pantene yang dibintangi oleh aku dan jonathan :P cameramen nya Alda, terus bagian music gatau siapa lupa deh, baru bagian ketawa nya Sophie, Matthew, Owen, Bayverly-,- janjinya gak boleh di sebarin tapi pas besoknya langsung beredar luas AJA di kelas 6 *untung gak sampe ke adek kls-,-*   wkwk, oiya, kita juga sangat hobi nyanyi ampe bikin lagu kebangsaan sendiri yaitu lagu adaptasi dari lagu anak playgroup ‘’C-O-C-O-N-U-T’’  ;p
Hngg kita juga bikin gerakan yang aneh2 kaya sign ‘’OH YEAH!!’’ adaptasi dari MV ‘’HIGH HIGH’’  GD&TOP xP sungguh bahagia :D kita juga bikin lagu yang gak jelas judulnya apa, ini dia text nya :

Do you remember? The first  time we met?
It was the first time I ever felt
Such a happy feeling
With one little smile
With one little expression
You said you were really happy

You are so, so wonderfull to me
Youre constant like the moon
Youre unchanging like the star
My friend
You gave this wonderful love to me
I know these words are really not enough
But I want to thank you

Yap yapppp tepuk kaki buat group pantene :p hehhheh
Ok segitu aja ya ceritanya yah ;p udah pegel tangan sayaaaa,, byee ;D

Hello, Again

하세요!~!!, 친한 친구 <3
Hehehe introitus yang corny bukan~~? .hnggg nao wat?? Okokok
Ini blog pertama aku, tapi sebenernya bukan pertama (secret, ....)
Blog ini bakal cerita ttg k-pop,my daily personal life,school,random things, etc.
Pertama-tama saya meminta maaf atas ketidak efektifan kata2 saya :p
SeeYa Someday Bloggers^^ <3 

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Girl's Day Profile

Name: 박소진 (Park Sojin)
Position: Girl’s Day Leader and Main Vocal
Agency: Dream Tea Entertainment
Birthdate: May 21, 1986
Education: Yeongnam University (Major: Mechanical Engineering)
School Graduates: Ahyun Elementary School, Seobu Girls’ Middle School, Kyungduk Girls’ High School, Yeungnam University
Family relationships: Parents, Younger brother
Blood type: AB
Height: 167 cm
Family relationships: Parents, Younger brother
Hobbies: Cleaning, searching for a good song, writing music, browsing youtube video, Shopping, eating snacks  and playing piano
Skills: Piano and Calligraphy
Personality: Clear Likes and Dislikes. Really cheerful. Sadness and anger is clearly expressed. Endures anything can be endured.
What she likes: Dress, Cuttlefish, Violet, Disney Animation and Reading Magazine.
What she dislikes: Annoying things, Dirty, Bugs and Rats/Mice
How she was selected to be a member: Coincidentally by introduction to a sound engineer.
Ideal Type: Has strong eyes, definite point of view, faithful and attentive person
Role Model: Um Jung Hwa. long time leader of her generation. Abundant expressiveness and depth
Jinx: When there is a music broadcast or singing schedule, wears black underwear. (Secret. ke)
Habit: Says “Um-Chung” a lot (means “a lot” or “really”)
Music Enjoyed: Soul, Neo Soul, Hip Hop, R&B
Place often visited: Dorm… company… practice room… wah! (Before it was always Hong-Dae)
Usual Fashion Style: Casual, Vintage, I like eye-catching and different things.
Friendly Entertainer: I would like to find friends of same age born in 86
Favorite Food: Beef, Chicken, Seafood
Favorite Color: Black, white, purple
Favorite Number: 5 Looks so cute. round and round
Favorite Movie: Love Actually
Favorite Motto: “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” – The Alchemist

Social Networks :
Twitter : @girls_day_sojin

Name: 우지해 (Woo Jihae)
Position: Girl’s Day ‘Power Dance’ and Rapper
Agency: Dream Tea Entertainment
Birthdate: May 14, 1989
Family: Parents, me
Education: Doong-Bae Kindergarten, Seoul Dae-do Elementary, Kowhai intermediate school, Sook-Myung Girls Middle School, Duk-won Girls High’s School, Sung Kyun Kwan University (School of Dance)
Blood type: B
Height: 163 cm
Hobbies: Music appreciation, Shopping, Exercise (Gym) and Yoga.
Skills: Korean Dance, Modern Dance, Ballet and Hiking/Climbing.
Personality: Quiet and frank, temperamental
How she became a member: Auditioned through an acquaintance
What she likes: White, Thinking when she’s alone and  shoes (High Heels)
What she dislikes: Flat Shoes,  Snakes and people who curse.
Ideal type: Handsome when he laughs, doesn’t care about outward appearances

Role Model: 
Lee Hyori sunbae
Jinx: If eyebrows don’t come out well during make up, whole day is gloomy
Habit: Looking at mirror
Favorite Music: R&B, pop, ballad
Place often visited: Yuksam-dong dorm, company, dance room and refuge alone on a tree lined street.
Usual Style: Casual. Women-like
Friendly Entertainer: Sistar Bora
Favorite Food: raw fish (korean sashimi) , Sushi (korean style)
Favorite Color: White, Gray, Black
Favorite Number: 7

Favorite Movies: 
Mellow, Mysteries

Favorite Motto: 
Let’s not lie.

Social Networks :
Twitter : @girls_day_jihae

Name: 방민아 (Bang Minah)
Position: Lead Vocal
Agency: Dream Tea Entertainment
Birthdate: May 13, 1993
Family: Father, Mother, (Older) Sister, Puppy
Education: Young-Gwang Kindergarten – Sung-Gee Elementary – North Inchon Girls Middle School – Jin-Sun Girls High School
Blood type: O
Height: 165 cm
Hobbies: Watching Movies and making facial expression,dancing, Listening to Music
Skills: Acting Cute, Piano, dancing, singing, impersonating Lena Park
What she likes: Eyeglasses (Nerdy glasses), Hats, something tasty (foods) and animals.
What she dislikes: Getting nag at and weighting scale
Personality: Hmmm… Seems easy going but more timid than most

How she became a member:
 While attending Vocal Training School, the principal founded a company so I came with him. So in reality, amongst the members, I’m the most senior. Something only I know.
Ideal Type: Someone who has sense and listens
Role Model: Beyonce, Lee Hyori, Kim Dong Ryul l
Jinx: Whenever I go to the broadcast center, stomach really hurts
Favorite Music: It’s changes with time but currently listening to “white people music” (in white)
Place often visited: Dance room

Usual Fashion:
 Casual, Vintage…?
Friendly Entertainer: Becoming friends with Rainbow’s JaeKyoung unnie.
Favorite Food: As long as it is hot (spicy).
Favorite Color: Red

Favorite Number: 
Favorite Movie: Notebook

Favorite Motto: 
You get what you put into it.

Social Networks :
Twitter : @girls_day_minah

Real Name: 김아영 (Kim Ah Young)
Name: 유라 (Yura)
Position: Leader Dance
Agency: Dream Tea Entertainment
Birthdate: November 6th, 1992
Education: Ulsan Art High School
Blood type: O
Height: 168cm
Personality: Cheerful, lively, and positive
Hobbies: Painting, Dancing & Listening to the music
Skills: Well-balance body shape (?), Outstanding dance skill
What she likes: Computer Game
What she dislikes:  Diet
How she became a member: Auditioned after being “cast” on an “ul-zzang” site
Ideal Type: Attentive, Has a sense of humor, and likes me (truly)
Role Model: Lee Seung Gi sunbae MC, variety, singing, acting, CF, acknowledged in all facets
Jinx: Gets pimples on a important days once in while
Habit: Shake my leg
Favorite Music: Quiet melodied piano-accompaniment song
Often visited place: Convenience store..?
Usual Fashion Style: Has a lot of fur
Friendly Entertainer: umm personally, same age and from the same place Kyung-Sang Do, Lizzy! (I want to be friends! [in blue])
Favorite Food: Meat! Meat! Meat!
Favorite Color: Strawberry milk color
Favorite number: 7
Favorite Movie: Action/Thriller
Favorite Motto: “This too shall pass.”

Social Networks :
Twitter : @Girls_Day_Yura

*Yura is a new member from Girl’s Day

Girl's Day Picture

nothing,nothing,nothing,nothing,nothing !


love her vocal!~
my 1rd BIAS~

she also GWIYEOPTA~



my 3st BIAS!!!



i love her smile~

MIN AH unnie became a QUEEN of SELCA~

her CHEEK!!

doesn't she look alike GUI GUI?

HYE RI unnie~

pretty face~

MIN AH unnie with YURA unnie~


this picture was really look alike with GUI GUI~










YURA aaaa~~!!

my favourite photo~



seems like YURA unnie photo was so many here!